On Homosexuality

February 16, 2014

medicbagEternal Perspective

On Homosexuality…

The claim is “some people are born gay, some people are born straight.” I both agree and disagree, depending on specifics added to the statement.

I do not believe that anyone is genetically predisposed to be homosexual, but rather that some people are situationally predisposed. This is just the same as all mankind is situationally predisposed to have a sinful nature, and are redeemable only by the grace of God. This is our situation.

The hatred of the gay community in our society is ridiculous, and counterintuitive to our calling. There are the worst offenders (Westboro Baptist Church), but there are also those who are not typically recognized as radicals but are certainly not helping. These are the Christians who treat homosexuality like it’s a special brand of sin, and that it somehow needs specific negative attention. I understand that the fear is that the acceptance of homosexuality is destroying the traditional family structure. All I have to say to that is: Get over it. This is a fallen world. If you think that there was heaven on earth before some new development of our society cropped up, you’re dead wrong. This world is a battlefield being fought on by countless opposing armies, and I believe we as Christians are called not to be soldiers, but medics, for any army or individual willing to accept the love we bring, that of Christ.

For one thing, a believer should never hold a non-believer to a Christian standard. They have not claimed it. It’s like criticizing a european for not reciting our pledge of allegiance or a vegetarian calling others stupid for not joining them in abstaining from meat. The proper course of action would be to work towards having a country anyone would be proud to pledge allegiance to, or to positively display the health benefits of vegetarianism to the point that it makes carnivores question their eating habits. Unfortunately most Christians today seem to invite resistance, as if Christ had told us to “Go ye out into the world and make snooty Country-Clubs in my name.”

I am a Christian. I am saved by grace, and I will die someday. On that day, I will still be a sinful man. Hopefully I will be wiser and have spent my life bringing glory to God, but the fact is I will always fall short of his glory, and sin in a myriad of little ways unknown to me. The keyword here is unknown. Someone may tell me of my sin, but as perceptive as I like to think I am, I know that if it is told to me in an unloving way, I will not see love. I will not see God. I will never see God outside of that which is his real voice. Nor will anyone else.

Eternal Perspective

October 27, 2013


This is the first in hopefully several entries on filtering aspects of life through an eternal perspective. I intend to cover religious and political issues, and perhaps more. The purpose is to make my worldview clearer to my own eyes.

I have avoided this type of chiseling out my thoughts, because it is hard. However, I’ve found myself lost and afraid as of late. I wish to remedy that.

I’m also going to state here that I will resist the temptation to go back and edit posts when and if I come up with better ways to illustrate my thoughts, or if I should change my mind about something. I’ll just make a new post instead.